Friday, May 6, 2011

Social Networking Causing Trouble Again

So, I had a chit chat with one of my friends the other day and she told me how one of her friendships ended over a tweet. All I could do was shake my head. I told her it's funny how she said that because I had a friendship end over a tweet that wasn't even about her. This really makes me much power do we give to social networking? Social networking can be great. It's a good way to keep in contact with a lot of people all at one time, but for some reason, all good things have some bad to come along with it. Research studies show that websites like Facebook and Twitter have ended marriages. That's crazy! It's ridiculous to know that a facebook status can crush a relationship of years or a tweet can make friendship crumble. I sat and talked with my friend and shared my horror stories with social networking and all we could do was just simply shake our heads.

But then on the other side, it makes me wonder...maybe social networking destroying marriages, friendships, relationships, etc. might not be such a bad thing after all. If a relationship fails because of social networking websites, that just shows how weak the foundation is of that relationship. I realized that after a ridiculous fall out sometime last year (or 2 years lost track of time). I thought it was one of those friendships that would last forever, but my shando showed me a dream some weeks before that, and well the social networking incident confirmed that. I promised myself from here on out that with significant others, I would never add them on my Facebook (if they're already on there, then maybe it's a different story...that's a bridge I'll cross when I get to it) and they can't follow me on Twitter. One ex flipped out on me because of a tweet and well clearly you see what happened...he's called an ex lol no hard feelings, I just said don't contact me anymore. But it really makes me wonder is social networking that damn powerful or are our friendships/relationships/marriages simply that weak? Let me know if you have any social networking horror stories. I'd love to read and possibly get a good chuckle from them. Ta ta for now...TOODLES!! XOXO

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