Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm Pretty Sure This Is Not Normal...

I have come to the beautifully sad conclusion that I'm past obsessed with Chris Brown. All I wanna do is meet him and tell him how much I love him and juke him at a party. And other things that should only stay in my head. No seriously, I would juke the mess out of him. I'm currently listening to some club type song he did with Akon called Take It Down Low so that's why I'm thinkin about jukin the mess out of Chris Brown. The funny part is don't be surprised if this actually happens. I made several dreams come true with Ludacris...I almost made my dream come true about me wantin to rap on stage with Luda, but instead I was rapping right in front of him with a mic...ugh close enough lol. Okay that's it...this was a pointless entry but an entry nonetheless. Ta ta for now! TOODLES! XOXO