Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sex S-E-X..."Daily Dick Diet"

Today's blog title was inspired by S.E.X. by Waka Flocka and the phrase "daily dick diet" came from Ludacris song entitled "Keep It On The Hush" from his Word of Mouf fav album by him *smiles*

Sorry y'all it's been forever and a day since I did a blog, but I just haven't been inspired by any topics. But anywho I'm pretty sure that from the title, you can see what today's post will be about. Now yes this entry will get a tidbit ratchet (esp since I'm listening to Sex Mix 3 by DJ's a real good mix y'all I already planned my sex routine to it lbs okay let me stop...oh but I might even post the link I'm tellin y'all this is fye), but I will throw some (hopefully) thought provoking concepts into this blog as well so bear with me. Earlier today on Twitter, one of my followers did a mini Twitter rant about this one woman (I actually had to pause for an entire song cuz Take My Time came on...this one run that Chris Brown does near the end will have any female's vajajay runnin like the Mississippi River...omg back to my original thoughts)who wrote a blog post called "5 Tips for Celibate Living". Her stance on sex is through the lenses of Christianity, no pre-marital sex. She also is against going to the club, listening to sex music (which is thee very thing that I'm doing right now...Beg For It...come out of those thoughts....), and she's even borderline against flirting -___________- and I immediately believed that she has a dusty cooch that ain't been hit ever (which I doubt) or it's been a long time. And I hate to say this but, I think it's because she never had a sexual experience where her eyes rolled to the back of her head and began speaking in a whole different language and didn't know what it felt to have no control over her body. I was able to readily recognize such a woman because I live with one. She hasn't had sex almost as long as I've been alive...that's a major problem! Any female that I know that's always on the grouchy side all have the common denominator of not having either a regular sex life or no sex life at all.

Now, as you all know, I am a Christian and I want to become an ordained minister. But as a christian, I have challenged the bible in several areas. There are things that are in the bible that I do not believe. For example, I am against the scripture that says that women can't preach. I refuse to believe that that came from God. And I also don't think that God is against pre-marital sex...yeah I said it. There are some questions I do want to raise about sex though. Why is sex so important? In our culture, sex is a dangerous power. Sex can change a woman's life from rags to riches. It can be very enjoyable. It can be a deep connection between two people or a fun time. Sex dominates the hip hop culture, and sex has even defined a man and woman's place in society. The way the bible talks about sex for the most part is how terrible it is to do outside of marriage. I find it to be ironic how we live in a sex dominated culture and the bible tries to downplay the reality of sex because sex was definitely big in the biblical times just as it is now. And it really bothers me that in all the 66 books of the bible, there is only one book that is explicit about sex and sexual desires...and that is Song of Solomon (some bibles say Song of Songs). I find that to be very unrealistic in documenting the history of the biblical times. That is why I question it so.

Sex can be such a wonderful stress reliever. I kid you has the power to heal some aches and pains of the body from being stressed out. Why do you think massages feel great? Physical contact on the body is sex would definitely be included in such a category. Some of the meanest people I know are without sex. I am more against than for the concept of saving sex for marriage. I for quite some time felt this way, but through the idea out of the window. A piss poor sex life can destroy marriages, break up families, and leave people emotionally shattered. Who would want that? You can't be good at something unless you practice it and perfect the craft and sex, my friends, is definitely a craft.

But even in becoming sexually active, there's the challenge of finding someone who is sexually compatible with you. Good dick (and punani) is hard to come by. It really is! Some men hear beat it out the frame and don't know how to. It's very unfortunate. Some are well equipped in terms of length and width, but it's a waste. Testing the waters is hard, but it must be done (that was really ignorant smh)! I strongly believe that people should talk about sex more openly and freely...not in the sense of the actual freakiness but what each person expects from the sexual experience. That way it will help you weed the rotten ones out. There have been times where after I would go without it for a long time, the stress of my life would take over my body and leave me in a lot of pain. After having mind blowing, body rocking, standing on the fine line between this world and a whole 'notha lifetime, I am refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face the rest of life. Hardly am I ever sad and whatnot, because I get what my body needs. Now I would go into the whole concept of sex buddies, but that honestly is a whole 'notha blog post. I just felt like from a point of christianity, we as Christians (yes I am including myself) are so holy that we forget to be practical. I believe that the bible doesn't have all of the answers, but that's because if we had all the answers to the questions that we ponder, we wouldn't be ready to handle the answer. It just frustrates me how unrealistic Christians can be in the name of Christianity. Learn to put 2 and 2 together. Question and challenge your belief system. I have found that in my questioning and challenging I've actually become closer to God. There's a reason as to why sex is such a dominating force throughout cultures and throughout time. Maybe it's because I have a young mind or I'm just not conservative. But I just think that sex isn't bad...I believe it's actually healthy. The world would be a better place if everyone had mind blowing sex. High blood pressure and other health issues tagged along with stress would decrease...I can bet money on that. Have safe sex!

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