Friday, August 12, 2011

And We're Having This Conversation Because...

So I have come to the conclusion that I have "aspirations to be an ordained minister" slapped on my forehead...only visible to others and not myself. I say this because I am always and forever greeted with a religious conversation. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy them but I would be lying if I was to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed every single conversation that I have ever had in regards to Christianity...a bold face lie.
I had this one conversation with a salesman in Verizon Wireless (when I was being upgraded to the iPhone ministry.....that's somethin to SHOUT ABOUT! HUUUUUH!!!!!) and he seemed interested in me and was asking me personal questions and whatnot. So of course when he asked what do I want to become or do with my degree I told him how I wanted to become an ordained minister. His whole demeanor changed (in a good way). It seemed like the thought that was evident on his face was something he had on his mind for a very long time and was enthusiastic to have this conversation with me. He began to tell me how he does not believe in the holy Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To be honest, I don't remember his points because what he was saying wasn't really valid, but I told him why I believe in the Trinity. I pretty much said I serve a God that's so great that he is three persons. God is the father, God is Jesus Christ (the son) and God is the Holy Spirit. It's a matter of getting to know God in those three different lights (on top of God being Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, etc.). At the end of the conversation I honestly asked myself what was the point of all of that?
That conversation to me was one of those pointless religious conversations that seem to be oh so popular in the Christian world. We were charged with a commandment, correction the GREATEST commandment which is to love and we want to debate about if God is one person or three persons. We can't even love our brothers and sisters (regardless if they're black, white, gay, straight, bi, etc), but we want to discuss what happens in the afterlife and we can't this lifetime that we've been alloted to be right at all. We dare argue about if Jesus Christ is black, but we can't serve the least of these. We're all guilty of it. It just annoys me from time to time when people just talk and have discussions just for the sake of having them. Like some of them are seriously pointless. There have been times where I just had to end the conversation because there was no real purpose in continuing it. It was beyond the point of agree to disagree it was just the fact of the matter is the conversation is pointless. I just had to share that little tidbit with you all. And because I said I was going to try and blog more. It is kind of therapeutic in a way...I'll try to keep this up. Anywho ta ta for now! XOXO 

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