Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I introduce to you....HALONA JACKSON!!!!! *crowd goes wild*

I was having trouble deciding what my first blog post to the world was going to be. I didn't know if I should start off real heavy with a controversial topic or just talk about butterflies. I figured the best way to start off this blog is to simply introduce myself (which is a contradiction because I'm not a simple person *smiles*). Now on to my introduction...which is what this is supposed to be...

GREETINGS!!! My name is Halona Jackson. I am 21 years old, hailing from the world's greatest city hands down...CHICAGO, IL!!! I am currently a student at the prestigious institution, Howard University, and my major is English. At Howard University, I'm somewhat a busy bee. I am a part of the Howard Gospel Choir, which I have been a part of for four years now. As a part of the Howard Gospel Choir, I serve as the chairperson of the Ministry Team. I am also a member of Chapel Assistants (aka CA). I serve on the eBoard as the RFC (Religious Fellowship Council) representative and I was just elected Vice President of RFC (yay me!!! I'm highkey excited).

Now, I'm sure you are wondering (or maybe you're not) what it is that I want to do with my life. At one point in time I wanted to be a librarian, then I wanted to be a pilot, and I kinda wanted to be rapper for a little bit, but what I want to be is (drum roll please......*drum roll*) an ordained minister!!!!! You're excited right? Probably not...and that's fine. There is a semi-long story as to how I came to this calling...that might be a future post to be honest.

So, the reason why I wanted to start this blog is because I've always wanted to discuss various topics in an open type setting. I'm an outspoken individual and with a bold voice and just want to plant seeds just like seeds have been planted within me. My blog will range from topics on sexuality to ants lol. I want my audience to laugh, cry, think, be changed, and be challenged. Also, if you have questions to ask me. If you have a topic that you want my opinion on, tell me. If you hate my blog, express it to me lol. No, but seriously, I want to have fun with this blog, but also be informative and inspirational as well.  So today's blog was just a "hey how you doing?" *in Wendy William's voice*. I hope you're ready for this ride because we're about to take off!!!!! Ta Ta for now...toodles!!!

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