Thursday, March 24, 2011

Will You Marry Me?

Some day ago, I was on the phone talking to a guy (I wont disclose who just in case they ever read this lol), and he was talking about how much he loves me and whatnot and mentioned something about if I could see myself married to him. *PUMPS BREAKS* Stop...rewind. Excusez-moi??? For some reason, this is NOT the first time that I have been approached with the topic of marriage and the guy was dead serious about it. Why is that? Now, as a Sagittarius, we don't like to be tied down. Not saying that I wouldnt like to be married eventually but I am 22 years old and walking down an aisle and seeing a reverend at the altar is far from my thoughts at this point in my life  I am honestly wondering if I am the only female that this happens to.

I am sure a lot of females would love for a guy to talk to them about marriage. HA! Not I (unless it is Ludacris or Chris Brown because if one of them asked me to marry them, I would do it in a heart beat...idc judge me if you want to, but I would be so ON!!!)!! Well let me clarify...not at the moment. Several guys have even told me that they would want me to have their kids....I'm not sure if I'm still on planet Earth because some of the things that I hear...smh. But then, that makes me wonder, what do people think marriage is nowadays? I was talking to one of my friends and he said that this older man wanted his good done debbies and the man was married. I told him well I guess he's off limits to you then. He said that he didn't care. I often wonder if marriage isn't held as high on pedestal as it used to be because a lot of marriages fail. I can admit that as a product of a single family household, marriage isn't the golden prize for me. I wonder if maybe I grew up in a two parent household with a successful marriage would my views on marriage change. I think so. I don't disregard marriage, I'm just not as pressed to be Mrs Somebody (Ooo hopefully Bridges or Brown...dang...I sure got thing for both C.B.s don't I?)

I want to have a good sit down conversation with the different guys that have mentioned marriage to me. I wonder if they understand the weight that comes with being married. Not to discourage them, but to get them off of the fantasy island that some of them live on. Also, I know that some of those guys are kind of lonely, but that's another topic for some other time (or maybe not lol). But newho I just wanted to put that out there because I have been getting that lately, saying that I'm the wifey type and whatnot and actually mentioning marriage to me on several occasions. I don't know what scares me more...being pregnant or being married at this early age lol. Anywho, leave your comments, questions, and concerns (idk why I say this all the time cuz I only received comments TWICE u stankin niglets!!! lol jk jk). Ta Ta for now...TOODLES!!! XOXO


  1. Lol if it makes you feel any better, you're not the one. This one guy asked me "If I bought you a ring 6 months from now, would you wear it?"I had to tell him, in the nicest way possible, hell to the no! The craziest part was, we weren't even in a relationship... we were just talking. So yeah, just reiterating, it's not just you lol!!!

  2. lol that's good to know! I just think it's weird that guys are trying to talk about not just relationships, but MARRIAGE nowadays. Where is that coming from? Maybe it's our age group...seeing as to how we are technically adults now. I'm just not down for marriage at the moment (with the exception of two ppl lol)
